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Collana "Le storie" - Il caso Rossetti

 Classification level:                                        ?

Classificazione A1 - Livello elementare Classificazione A2 - Livello elementare + Classificazione B1 - Livello intermedio 



Il caso Rosetti

(The Rossetti Case)


Elementary and intermediate levels


ISBN 88-87883-26-2

64 pages

Size: 130mm x 180mm

CD length: 39’50”

Price: € 9.80


Giampietro Rossetti is a retired teacher of Italian who spends his days slapping the people he meets.


The tale of a man who punishes all those who do not speak properly and use foreign words when speaking Italian.



il caso rossetti



Le Storie
This series presents a series of short stories in various levels of difficulty. Each volume has a great number of language notes inside (to explain the more difficult words, without losing track of the story and the taste for reading), a reasoned vocabulary, as well as comprehension exercises and exercises with solutions.


Il caso Rossetti
Il caso Rossetti
Click this link to read some pages inside the book !


