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Italiano plus!
Grammatica italiana per stranieri
(Italian Plus!
Italian Grammar for Foreigners)
Italian grammar for foreigners.
With explanations, examples and original texts. Exercises organised in 3 levels of difficulty with answers.
Includes a glossary of essential grammatical vocabulary.
Italiano Plus! Is the new grammar textbook addressed mainly to intermediate and advanced level students (from B1 to C2), but it can just as easily be used by anyone that is interested to know and to study in depth subjects which are not usually examined in detail in traditional courses or textbooks.
Thanks to its completeness and usefulness, this volume can be also be helpful for all teachers who would like to have at hand a reference book that is both versatile and complete, that guides them and their students in the sinuous paths of the Italian grammar.
Together with very accurate and complete grammatical explanations, there are also various functional texts, exercises and tests, organised in three levels of difficulty. These are easy to find and are followed by solutions.
Rules are explained simply and clearly, so they can be understood by those not used to affronting advanced level grammar. Besides the rules that govern the usage of the Italian language, there are many footnotes and comments that make this more of a descriptive, rather than just a normative, grammar textbook: a simple and efficient way to solve so many of the problems that teachers and students find on their path.
As an appendix to this book, that analyses and discusses subjects from morphology and syntax to phonology and vocabulary, there is a practical dictionary of linguistic and grammatical vocabulary in use, or that presents particular difficulties of comprehension: a useful tool for students and teachers who want to have immediate answers for the big and small questions they encounter in the learning or teaching Italian as a foreign language.
Claudio Manella, Italiano plus! Progetto Lingua Edizioni Firenze.
ISBN 88-87883-29-9
272 pages — Size: 154mm x 220mm
Price: € 17,50